Sunday, 10 May 2009

The True Humanism

Great review by David Field exposing the farce of secular humanism. The conclusions:

  • that any claim to do 'good' or oppose 'evil' is meaningless when coming from an evolutionary, random-universe worldview.
  • that a life of God-denying philanthropy is nothing to boast of - it is making an idol of human welfare
  • that the modern Humanist movement is in large measure a negative thing - a reaction to Christianity. So many humanists are self-consciously fighting against God even while on the run from him. And it will be clear to some of them at least that the harder they resist, the more they sense that there is something to resist.
  • that Christianity is itself the 'True Humanism'. (There is a 1980 book by J.I. Packer and T. Howard called Christianity: the true humanism which expounds this thesis quite superbly.) Only in relation to his Maker, only when reconciled to him, subject to his laws, promoting his glory, and relying on his strength, can man be all he is meant to be. It is the high calling of all Christian people to demonstrate this - living lives of humble, loving service to God and men, displaying the righteousness, power and joy of Christ and so inviting others to 'the life that is truly life'.